Jun. 25, 2019 Download
House lawmakers have voted to support a 2019-20 General Fund budget that continues a multi-year effort to hold the line on taxes, fees and spending. Total state spending would be set at $33.997 billion, a 1.8% increase over the current fiscal year, which is in line with the rate of inflation. The plan provides for a record level of spending on education and includes a deposit of more than $250 million into the Rainy-Day Fund, the state’s primary “savings account.”
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) said it is well past time to complete the state budget and hopes the governor will sign the bill so the General Assembly can get to work on next year’s spending plan.