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Weekly Roundup |
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The latest news from the State Capitol |
Getting to Work with House Committee Assignments
This week, the House Committee on Committees met to finalize assignments for the 27 standing committees to cover the 2017-18 legislative session.
This term, I will be serving on the Children and Youth, Labor and Industry, Local Government, and Tourism and Recreational Development committees. These assignments allow me to have a greater insight into the legislation and issues discussed and help me better represent our district.
All bills are assigned to a standing committee to undergo review. Committees may hold hearings on legislation, consider amendments to pending bills and report them to the full House for a vote.
Satellite Hours Offered Next Week
On Thursday, Feb. 2, a member of my staff will be available at the Polk Township municipal building, located at 165 Polk Township Road, Polk Township, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Services available at the satellite hours include assistance with PennDOT, LIHEAP, SNAP and Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms; information regarding state agencies and programs; and more.
Out and About in the 176th
On Thursday, I joined Rep. Rosemary Brown and Sen. Mario Scavello at the monthly Citizens Against Regulatory Excess (CARE) meeting. The meeting was attended by many business leaders and township officials from the community. Topics discussed ranged from the need for substantive property tax reform to federal mandates.
Earlier today, the Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual Commissioner’s Report to Business breakfast at the Shawnee Inn. Commissioners John Moyer, Charlie Garris and John Christy spoke about financial issues facing Monroe County and took questions from the audience. Pictured is John Moyer, chairman of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, addressing the crowd.
Rescuing the Rescuers: Helping Save Our Volunteer Fire, EMS Companies
This week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House and Senate unveiled a 16-bill package to support fire and ambulance services across the Commonwealth.
The legislation is designed to address growing financial costs faced by companies, the shortage of volunteers and the lack of affordable and easily accessible training options.
On the funding side, measures within the package seek to raise Medicaid reimbursement rates, increase surcharges on moving violations to support the Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund, and provide new billing options for fire departments and EMS organizations.
To address the volunteer shortage, the package includes bills to promote recruitment and retention by offering online training to make the process more convenient, provide loan forgiveness to attract volunteers, develop a pilot program to offer firefighter training in secondary schools, and offer tax credits to businesses that excuse their employees when they need to respond to emergencies or undergo training.
Free Tax Preparation Available for Seniors Beginning Feb. 8
AARP provides free tax preparation assistance for seniors who meet certain income eligibility requirements. This service is for seniors and low- to-moderate income taxpayers, and will be offered at my Pocono Pines district office every Wednesday beginning on Feb. 8, and will run through April 12. Call 570-643-7683 for an appointment.
Wear Red Feb. 3 to Raise Awareness of Women’s Heart Disease
Women across the country are encouraged to wear red on Friday, Feb. 3, as part of the “Go Red for Women” campaign to raise awareness of women’s heart disease. Legislative efforts over the years have made the official designation in Pennsylvania as a way to remind women of the risks of heart disease.
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women each year, causing one in three deaths each year, or about one per minute. According to the American Heart Association, 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.
The symptoms of heart disease can be different in women vs. men, and are often misunderstood. By increasing awareness, speaking up about heart disease and empowering women to reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease, we can save thousands of lives each year.
Office Locations |
Capitol: Room 423, Irvis Office Building, P.O. Box 202176, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2176 | Phone: (717) 787-7732 |
Districts: 2785 Route 115, Suite 103, Carriage House Square, Effort, PA 18330 I Phone: (570) 620-4341 |
Tobyhanna Township Building, 105 Government Center Way, Pocono Pines, Pa 18350 I Phone: (570) 643-7683 |
Email: jrader@pahousegop.com |