Rader Cancels Two Upcoming District Events

May 5, 2020

EFFORT – Due to the ongoing health crisis, Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) today announced that two upcoming district events scheduled to take place in the coming weeks have been canceled.

Rader’sShredding Event/Spring Cleanup Day had been scheduled to take place on May 9 at Pocono Speedway and his Concealed Carry Event was set for June 11 in Tunkhannock Township.

“These two events have proven to be very popular in the past and we enjoy hosting them,”said Rader. “However, it is just not the right time to schedule events that would bring many people together in one place. Furthermore, such gatherings are not permitted under the state’s current stay-at-home order.”

Rader expects to be able to host both events at some point this fall. The dates are still to be determined.

Representative Jack Rader
176thLegislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader

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