Rader Resumes Outreach for Area Veterans
July 27, 2021
BLAKESLEE – Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) has resumed an in-person assistance program for area veterans and their family members at his district office in Blakeslee on a monthly basis. The free service was canceled last year due to the restrictions resulting from COVID-19.
An American Legion service officer will be in Rader’s office on the third Wednesday of each month to meet with veterans and/or their family members. Those interested in scheduling an appointment should call 570-643-7683. The veteran does not need to be an American Legion member to take part in the program.
“Now that we are exiting the pandemic, I am pleased we are able to resume offering this important service and I encourage area veterans and their family members to take advantage of it,” said Rader. “This is the least we can do for those who have given so much for our nation.”
The American Legion service officer will be available to answer questions about veterans benefits and help file claims, including:
• Compensation and pension claims.
• Education benefits.
• Enrollment in the VA health care system.
• Burial and survivor benefits.
• State benefits.
• Obtaining military personnel and medical records.
Rader’s Blakeslee office is located in the Blakeslee Medical Professional Complex, 395 Route 940, Suite 104.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an update of an earlier news release due to a change in the day the service is offered.
Representative Jack Rader
176th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader
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