Rader to Co-Host Identity Theft Seminar Dec. 1

November 17, 2021

BLAKESLEE – To help reduce the number of identity theft cases in the 176th Legislative District, Rep Jack Rader (R-Monroe) is teaming up with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General to co-host a seminar on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at which residents can learn how to protect themselves from becoming a victim of the crime.

The free event will take place from 5-7 p.m. at the Chestnuthill Township Park Building, 221 PA Route 715 in Brodheadsville.

“According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the country with nearly 1.4 million cases reported in 2020. That is a 53% increase over the previous year,” said Rader. “We encourage residents to attend our seminar to learn how scammers are taking advantage of honest, trusting people and how to prevent it.”

The seminar will be led by Dave Shallcross, director of senior protection with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. Topics covered at the event include information regarding what to do if one becomes a victim of identity theft, tips on how to protect personal information online and in everyday interactions, and guidelines on how to spot scams intended to steal one’s identity.

Reservations are required for this event and can be made by calling 570-643-7683 (Blakeslee office) or 570-620-4341 (Effort office) or online at RepRader.com/events.

Representative Jack Rader
176th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader

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