Rader to Host Concealed Carry Seminar on Dec. 16

November 30, 2021

EFFORT – In his continuing effort to better inform area gun owners regarding Pennsylvania’s firearm laws, Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe) is hosting a concealed carry seminar on Thursday, Dec. 16.  

The free event will take place at the Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company, 511 Interchange Road in Kresgeville, starting at 6 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.

“These seminars allow gun owners to learn exactly what their rights are under Pennsylvania law and ask our panel of experts any questions they may have about them,” said Rader. “I am pleased to once again be able host to one of these events, which are always well attended.” 

Presenters for the seminar include Monroe County First Assistant District Attorney Michael Mancuso, Monroe County Chief Detective Eric Kerchner and Monroe County Sheriff Ken Morris. 

Seating at this event is limited. Participants are asked to make a reservation by calling one of Rader’s district offices at 570-643-7683 (Blakeslee) or 570-620-4341 (Effort). They can also register online at RepRader.com.

Representative Jack Rader
176th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepRader.com / Facebook.com/RepJackRader

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